ATM Service
About us
About ATM Service
Innovative. Ambitious. Driven. We are a young organisation but have many years’ experience in the field of residue compacting and terrific solutions to the current waste problem. Smart space-saving containers, for instance, with a patented compression system that can reduce transport by at least a factor of 5! A solution for any company or organisation searching for a cost reduction in waste disposal and a smaller ecological footprint.
Our vision
A liveable environment for everyone, less transport, less litter, and representative waste solutions. No longer any smelly bins in front of your office, pollution in your car park, or a refuse collection area full of containers. Our compactors offer the solution.
Would you like to know more? We are happy to assist!
Our organisation
We started and expanded in Amsterdam. Our products were developed as a result of our views on the problems in this historic city centre, where space is limited and demands for aesthetics are high. They have been tested and proven there. By now, we can also offer our service anywhere in the country and even cross-border. We offer 24/7 service within the Benelux with our own service and assembly crew. In addition to our standard products, we also offer custom-made products. Does that pique your interest? Let us know. We are happy to assist!
About ATM Service
ATM Service is a familiar face in large parts of Amsterdam. But even beyond the city limits, now also internationally, our products find their way as a matter of course. That is not surprising. Our concept of sustainable and innovative waste solutions is proving to be the best solution for many. We will gladly inform you of the possibilities we have to offer. The information on our website is only a first step and never replaces a personal meeting. Are you a company, government department or institution? We are happy to inform and assist! Together, we can see how your waste collection can be better and smarter. That is what we aim for.
ATM Service offers advice on the best and most attractive solution to dispose of your waste quickly, responsibly and professionally. We take stock of your situation, taking into account your organisation, the waste management and residual flows within your company, the waste separation, recycling possibilities, legislation, costs and minimisation of transport.
If required, we provide you with technical construction drawings and assist you in applying for permits. We have a professional installation service and a 24/7 maintenance service as well.
Design and Development
ATM Service has its own development and production facility for compactors and related waste processing equipment. We provide tailor-made solutions and our equipment can be
customised to your requirements.
ATM Service’s technicians can provide construction advice but can also arrange the right infrastructure for the entire placement site, such as installing power supplies and improving the surface.
• Own maintenance service (24/7)
• Own design department for your customisation
• Technical support
• Everything in one hand: design, construction, installation and breakdown service
Curious about the possibilities?